Last November I mentioned that we're going to be grandparents soon :-)) He's almost here!
January 20th was the date of Jessica's surprise baby shower. When I got the invitation I was heart broken. She lives in Maryland and we live in California. For kicks and giggles I looked online for airline tickets. I could be in Maryland Friday afternoon, enjoy the party on Saturday and be back home late Sunday. Just a few details to work out... YIPPEE!! I was going to be there to see her in all her girth :-))
My flight was leaving bright and early at 6:00am. I'm not a morning person but you bet I was up and ready to go this time. I had my bag packed the day before. I was going to bring the essential minimums and avoid the hassle (
and fees) of having a checked bag.
There wasn't much of a line for security, an added bonus of early departure, so I stepped right up to the TSA podium. The agent told me I was pre-screened and to take the line on the far right. While starting to take off my shoes, another person in line said I didn't need to. Another bonus for me :-) I put my bags on the conveyor belt, walked through the scanner, picked up my purse and bag and was on my way to my gate. Easy peasy is how I like it at 5 something in the morning!!
My one hour layover was in Salt Lake City. Just enough time to get a sandwich and use the bathroom. Soon we were boarding and heading to Baltimore.
I had a car reserved for the weekend. Good thing too as Mike (my son in law) said he had a last minute interview and couldn't make it to pick me up. Mike was in on the surprise and even had arranged a one night hotel room for me :-)
I arrived in Baltimore around 4:30, on a Friday afternoon, and had a long drive ahead of me. No worries. I enjoy driving and the traffic was only slow for a short distance. By the time I made it to the hotel it was nearly 7pm. But I had a mission. Must. Buy. Baby. Stuff.
cuteness overload |
Lucky for me, the Babies 'R Us store was practically next door to the hotel. They lucked out when this Grammie entered. I bought bibs, plenty of clothes to outfit twins, rattles, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, Mommy care items and even a diaper bag disguised as a backpack. After my shopping spree it was time for a late dinner, wrap up the goodies and get to bed. Tomorrow I get to see my girl :-))
Saturday I had a few hours to kill so I drove over towards Hannah's house where the shower was taking place. I was still too early so I went to a nearby park to kill some time.
Hagerstown City Park is a large park in the center of town. There is an amphitheater, several playgrounds, a pond, an art museum, hiking trails, a train museum and I was lucky enough to find a geocache in the park.
Jessica's friends had arranged a surprise party for her. She had an idea so when she entered the house she wasn't really surprised. When she saw me in the group she was quite surprised. Success! We hugged, we kissed, and then we took a selfie :-)
Grammie-to-be and Mom-to-be :-)) |

Mike is a paramedic. He is currently interviewing at several medical schools. He plans to study medicine and work as an emergency room doctor after graduation. Although Mike was on duty that day, he managed to stop by and say hi to everyone and grab some lunch. He was called to action halfway through the party and had to make his exit. Our visit was brief as he also had to work Sunday.
Jessica had fun at her party, opening presents, tossing balloons with her feet, visiting with her friends and of course, eating the made from scratch cake baked by Stephanie.
After the shower Jessica and I made another trip to Babies 'R Us. This time I let her pick some items that she needed but hadn't received as gifts or purchased herself. Oh Boy, I think I may have already spoiled Emmett :-) Mike was still working the last hours of his 24 hour shift so the two of us went to see Jumanji together. How many years has it been since we went to the movies together?! Sometime during our late night dinner Mike told Jessica that he had to stay at the station for another 24 hour shift. Life as a first-responder isn't always perfectly timed.
Sunday was my departure day and it came too quickly. Jessica and I went to grab some sandwiches at a nearby Quizno's before I drove back down to Baltimore. Mike's station was across the street and we planned to stop in after we ate. Unfortunately he was on a call. So we hugged and said our see you laters and I was off.
Jessica started a private group on Facebook and she posts self portraits of her and Emmett most every week. Here's the latest one taken March 2nd. She sent me a text on the 8th and said at her appointment the NP said her body is getting ready for Emmett to make his debut. She said she's tired and moody but doing well otherwise. I know how she feels.
Emmett's official due date is March 12th, tomorrow. Ron and I will be in Long Beach at the annual California Parks and Recreation Society Convention and Expo. You can bet we'll keep our phones next to us until we get
The Call!