May 18, 2016

I'm Still Here...

Yep, we're still plugging away at the house.

I've had a bit of withdrawals lately...  My desk is about 4 feet away from the wall so I could paint.  It's been this way for nearly a week.  I didn't want to use the computer because of how awkward it would be.

BUT, I couldn't take it anymore!!  Ron (we each have our own computers) told me Debbie of Down The Road posted a photo on FaceBook of Steve sitting by the campfire in a National Park.  I just HAD to see it!!  I currently have the keyboard (wireless, thankfully) on my lap, I'm sitting katywompus to the screen and typing this without looking at what I'm putting down.  Good thing there's spell check :-) 

I added a comment on Jodee's blog,  On The Road Abode, post of her three year blog-aversary while in this precarious position and thought, hmmm, an interesting memory to keep and share.

So here are photos for memory sake.

cramped is an understatement

I'm glad it won't last!

gotta keep the little guy safe

when will this return to normal?!?!

I would like to say that now that the painting is done in here, the desk will go back against the wall.  Nope.  We're ripping out the carpet and installing a wood laminate floor.  So more days of awkward computer usage are in my future.  Unless I choose to keep it off again...


  1. Too funny! You'll be glad you added this memory :-) And living fulltime in the trailer will seem really BIG after living through all the renovations!!

    1. Your blog post was the inspiration for this post :-) We can't wait to be done and out of here! But we know the rewards and we're both willing to put in the work necessary to get there :-)

  2. Ha ha, Steve loves his mobile-ever-changing-office! We're waiting for you two! In case you haven't noticed, I'm still catching up writing as well as reading blogs!

    1. We're both looking forward to an ever changing office :-) I have noticed you've added a couple posts lately. I'll be catching up on your blog soon! Can't wait to see you guys at an RV location somewhere :-)


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